I started this blog with the intension of speaking to all the people living with a roommate with envy to have their own room. Although I started with the notion of how amazing to live by myself, I end up changing my mind, and really enjoy living with a roommate. Early in this spring semester I was given a roommate, and like I wrote in the beginning I have loved living by myself. Living with another person definitely made me re-evaluate my living. I have made changes from the times I take a shower to the time I go to sleep. All these changes I have made were not life changing, just adjustments to my small schedule –a compromise. Living with my roommate has instilled that quality in me.
A roommate can be your best friend, someone that knows the real you, a distant friend, or your worst enemy. My roommate, Bailey, has definitely been a good friend. We have only known each other for a couple months and even though we don’t hang out like best friends we do act like it! We have bonded in so many ways and done favors for one another, that one would never know we just met each other. I wouldn’t trade my roommate for living by myself. I guess I was lucky to have someone step into my life, as a roommate.
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